
1:59PM이 진정 2PM이 되게 해달라

재범, 1:59PM이 진정 2PM이 되게 해달라

[머니투데이 스타뉴스 김관명 기자]

정말 전광석화였다. 지난 9월 2PM 재범이 대한민국 비하발언을 한 사실이 알려지고 비난여론이 들끓고 미국 시애틀행 비행기에 몸을 실은 건. 딱 3일 걸렸다. 참 무서운 나라다.

그 리고 2개월여 후. 지난 21일 케이블채널 Mnet의 연말가요시상식인 MAMA에 2PM이 나왔다. 남자그룹상을 받은 2PM의 남은 여섯 멤버는 울먹였다. 택연은 "재범이형, 형 아니었으면 이 상 못받았을 거야"라고까지 했다. 과연 이 수상소감은 아이돌의 한낱 상처받기 쉬운 감성 탓이었을까.

별로 안 알려진 사실이지만, 재범은 '논란'이 일기 며칠 전 스타뉴스 사무실에서 동료들과 함께 블로거 10여명과 인터뷰를 했었다. 기념사진도 찍고, 화기애애하게 말도 나누고 그랬다. 그때 몇몇 블로거의 재범 관련 인터뷰를 그대로 옮겨보자.

-2PM 멤버 중 한 명이 경쟁팀에 소속되어 있다면 싫었을 멤버는?

2PM 멤버 전부 다 필요하다. 어느 누구 하나 뺄 수 없다.

▶(이때 닉쿤이 거들었다)재범이 다른 팀에 있다면 굉장히 어려울 것이다. 그 이유는 재범은 모든 게 완벽하니까.

2PM이라는 이름 아래 함께 이루고 싶은 꿈은 무엇인가.

▶2PM이라는 이름으로 세계정상이 되고 싶다. 개인적인 목표는 앨범을 낼 때마다 언제나 업그레이드 되는 모습을 보여주는 것이다.

그 리고 한 블로거는 이렇게 덧붙였다. '처음 인터뷰를 시작했을 때는 많이 어색하고 질문에 대한 예상되지 않은 답변이 많았으나, 2PM 특유의 활발함과 유머러스함으로 인터뷰 내내 즐거운 분위기였다. 재범은 리더답게 2PM에 대한 전체적인 틀을 잡아나가며 인터뷰를 잘 이끌었다'

그렇다. 지금 대한민국은 모순과 상처와 극단 사이에서 질퍽거리고 있다. 2009년 남자그룹상을 받은 인기절정의 아이돌이, 돌팔매질을 받으며 떠난 멤버를 그리워하며 울먹이는 이 장면은. "세계 정상의 그룹이 되겠다"는 한 청년이, 사랑하는 후배 동료 팬들을 남기고 죄인처럼 떠나있고, 멤버와 팬들은 그를 2개월째 그리워하는.

더 욱이 파렴치범도 아니고, 뺑소니범도 아니고, 누구처럼 병역을 피하기 위해 시민권을 택한 것도 아니고, 한 나라를 책임질 정치인·경제인도 아닌, 스무살 또래의 아이돌이었을 뿐인 그가. 무대에서 때로는 현실을 조목조목 따지고, 때로는 대놓고 사회를 미워하는 폭발음을 내도 좋을 그들이.

물론 이런 구석도 있다. 대한민국의 한 사람으로서, 운전면허증 딴 걸 인생 최고의 경사로 여기는 평범한 시민으로서, 기자를 비롯한 많은 이들의 눈에 재범은 그저 다른 나라 미국의 시민권자일 뿐이다. 악다구니 같은 서울의 좁은 지붕 밑에서 살면, 넓은 미국이란 나라의 시민권을 가진 재범이 더욱 남처럼 느껴지는 게 사실. 이런 그가 "한국이 어쩌고 저쩌고" 하면 일단 눈에 거슬리는 게 사실이다, 어쨌든 대한민국은 나와 우리 가족이 살아가야 하는 우리나라니까.

해서 이런 그가 "한국을 떠나고 싶다"라고 한 건, 아무리 어렸을 적 치기라 해도 '울컥' 하게 되는 건 맞다. "넌, 뭐야?" 이런 식의. 게다가 대한민국 팬들의 사랑을 먹고 사는 그가, 대한민국을 비난한 것도 어떻게 보면 앞뒤가 안 맞다.

하지만 '울컥'과 비판과 질타와, 9월의 어느날 대낮에 자행된 '오스트라시즘'은 별개였다. 속으론 대한민국을 시도 때도 없이 낮게 보고 깔보고 도망치고 싶어하는 우리들이, 표면으로 떠오른 여린 송곳 하나에 그 험한 해머질을 해댄 건 분명 이율배반이다. 이건, 자기와는 다른, 자기 가치관과는 조금이라도 다른 건 참을 수 없는 '파시즘'에 다름 아니다.

2000 년 한양대 임지현 교수는 무릎을 딱 치게 만들 정도로 혜안이 빛난 '우리 안의 파시즘' 이라는 책을 냈다. 권위주의적이고, 대중동원적이고, 가부장적이고, 전체주의적인 그 모든 이름들을 파시즘이라고 할 때, 노동자·학생 연대를 외치면서도 타교생이나 외부인의 도서관 출입을 막는 서울대생들, 낙선 인사차 방문한 청와대에서 대통령에게 큰 절을 올리는 1980년대 운동권 출신 후보, 이 모든 것들이 일상에 파고든 우리 안의 파시즘이라는 놀라운 통찰력. 바로 이러한 우리 안의 파시즘이 재범을 내몬 것은 아닐까.

재범, 당신이 당시 겸허히 사과한 건 옳았다. 네티즌들이, 그리고 우리 사회가 이를 비판한 것 또한 나쁘지 않았다. 다만 같이 한 하늘, 한 지붕 밑에선 숨 쉴 수 없을 것 같다며 재범을 거칠게 내몬 우리의 파시즘이 몹시 진저리날 뿐이다. 어린 아이돌에게조차 무결점의 도덕성과 애국심을 강요한 우리안의 파시즘이.

2PM의 첫 정규 앨범 제목은 잘 알려진 대로 '01:59 PM'이다. 무슨 뜻인지 다 알리라. 수록곡도 이상하게 지금 풍경과 맞아 떨어진다. '기다리다 지친다' '너에게 미쳤었다' '니가 밉다' 그리고 '돌아올지도 몰라'..

재범, 맞다. 이제 돌아와라. 그것만이 광풍처럼 언제든 몰아칠 우리 안의 파시즘에 대한 경고일 테고, 언제든 생길 수 있는 제2의 재범을 막는 일일 테다.


Jaebum, please let 1:59 PM become 2PM.

It was as if the world had turned to stone. This past September, the nation uncovered the past of 2PM's Park Jaebum which broiled the people in controversy. It took exactly 3 days for him to be put on a plane heading to Seattle, America. It is truly a scary nation.

Now, it is 2 months later. 2PM appeared on the 21st at cable channel Mnet's MAMA year end ceremonies. Having received the award for best male artist, the 6 members of 2PM stood on stage and cried. Taecyeon exclaimed "Jaebum hyung, if it weren't for you, we wouldn't have even received this award." Could high sensitivity be the only blame for their cries?

It's not something that is well known, but several days before the Jaebum controversy exploded, 2PM stood for an interview with Star News and 10 other bloggers. They happily took photos and conversed in a fun atmosphere. A few questions asked by the bloggers are as follows.

- Which member would you not have liked if he was in a different rival group?

= I need all of 2PM. I cannot be missing any one of them.

= (Nichkhun butts in) It would be hard for us if Jaebum was in a different team. The reason is that he is perfect in every aspect.

- What dream would you like to achieve under the name of 2PM?

= I want to conquer the world under the name of 2PM. A personal goal of mine is to show an upgraded image of ourselves every time a new album is released.

A blogger added her opinion, stating "When the interview first tated, the atmosphere was awkward and they failed to answer the questions properly. Still, 2PM utilized their active personalities and humorous touches to make the interview go smoothly. Jaebum acted his part as the leader and pulled 2PM together to lead the interview properly."

It is true. Korea is currently suffering between the hands of contradictions, wounds, and extremities. An idol that reached the top of the top as a male group in the year of 2009 with only dreams of conquering the world left the country while having rocks thrown at him. The scene of the members, fans, and others in the industry crying and missing him is still so vivid 2 months after his leave.

He is not an infamous criminal or a runaway. He is not someone that purposely avoided mandatory military service. And moreover, he is not a politician or an important political figure that must be responsible for this nation. He is only an idol in his 20's. He is someone that is acceptable and okay to sometimes view the world differently and with hate, or to sometimes criticize society in his own way.

But still, there is also this point. In the eyes of journalists and the press, he is merely a boy with a different nationality. They can only view him as a foreigner as they live under the small roof that is Korea while Jaebum himself holds the nationality of such a larger land. It is understandable for journalists to feel anger and backlash when he talks of Korea like this and that. Why? Because Korea is a land that the journalists themselves and their families must continue living in.

It is understandable for them to feel sudden anger at his statements. They probably thought something along the lines of "Who do you think you are?" For someone that must live on with the love of Koreans, it somehow also doesn't make sense that he'd have made those statements.

Still, there is no denying that we as a nation acted with contradiction when the issue exploded early September. There is no doubt that we sometimes also criticized Korea or held negative views on the various aspects that make up our nation. But after hearing headlines of this young man's statements, we not only acted contradictively, but like fascists.

In the year 2000, a professor at Hanyang University released a book titled "The Fascism Within Us," describing the various parts of our society that has elements of fascism influenced into it. It is shocking that there is so much fascism within our nation itself but isn't it exactly this personality of fascism that we as a nation pushed Jaebum into?

Jaebum, it is right that you apologized. It was also not quite out of line for netizens to criticize his actions. It is just the fascism within us that decided that we could not handle living under the same sky and roof as Jaebum, which consequently resulted in his leave. Our pitifully selfish and fascist desire for a foreign idol to feel the same passion of patriotism that we feel.

2PM's first official album is entitled '1:59 PM.' I'm sure you all know what it means. The tracks themselves to fit the very mood that we are under. 'Tired of Waiting,' 'I was crazy about you,' 'I hate you,' and lastly, 'You might come back'....

Jaebum, it is true. You can come back now. It is only your return that can warn this nation of the dangerous traits of fascism we are under and it is only your return that can prevent a 2nd Park Jaebum.

[ MoneyToday star news journalist, Kim Kwan Myung ]

hazyfiasco@2ONEDAY (TRANS)



ดร.วีระ สมบูรณ์ กล่าวว่า ประชาธิปไตย ไม่ใช่สิ่งที่เป็นคำตอบให้เราได้ทั้งหมด มันตอบได้เพียงบางเรื่อง โดยเฉพาะประชาธิปไตยสมัยใหม่ คือ การจัดความสำคัญของอำนาจความสัมพันธ์กันในสังคม และอำนาจ ไม่สามารถใช้ในการแก้ปัญหาต่างๆ ได้ อำนาจมันขยายตัว รวมตัวกันมากขึ้นมาเท่าไหร่ ก็ย่อมอันตราย

ระบอบประชาธิปไตยสมัยใหม่ จึงเป็นระบอบที่ตั้งอยู่บนความเชื่อที่ว่า เห็นแก่ตัว เห็นแก่ได้ ยิ่งเราไปให้อำนาจมากขึ้นๆ ก็ยิ่งสร้างความเลวร้ายมากขึ้นเรื่อยๆ ยิ่งมีอำนาจเบ็ดเสร็จเด็ดขาด ต่อให้ดีแค่ไหน ก็จะทำให้กลายเป็นคนเลวในที่สุด

ในระบอบประชาธิปไตยสมัยใหม่หรือที่เรียกกันว่าเสรีประชาธิปไตยนั้น อำนาจรัฐจะต้องไปยุ่งเกี่ยวกับอำนาจทางเศรษฐกิจให้น้อยที่สุด ไม่ใช่ว่าไปผูกขาด ไปยึดกิจการใครมาทำอะไรก็ได้ ในทางกลับกัน อำนาจทางเศรษฐกิจจะต้องไม่ไปครอบงำทางการเมืองด้วย

ชีวิตในสังคมสมัยใหม่ เป็นชีวิตที่เต็มไปด้วยผลประโยชน์ ความร่ำรวย และเครื่องมือของอำนาจนั้น มันมากมายมหาศาล และมันส่งผลกระทบรุนแรงมาก เพราะฉะนั้น เราไม่มีทางที่จะคิดเหมือนคนสมัยก่อนได้อีกแล้ว ว่า จะมีวีรบุรุษ ผู้ประกอบด้วยคุณธรรม และสามารถทำให้ชีวิตเราดีขึ้นได้ มันไม่มีทาง เพราะว่า ผลประโยชน์และความจำเป็นของอำนาจสมัยใหม่ มันจะผลักดันให้คนหยุดไม่ได้ นี่คือหลักการสำคัญของประชาธิปไตย

And she breathes on an air of dignity...

Her pride that cannot be swallowed, but rather eaten. Her dignity that cannot be turned into gold, but lied heavy on her conscience and deep in her soul.

Have you ever tasted pride? They said that it tasted so sweet.

Some people would rather live on their pride and dignity alone. They do not eat what you and I have eaten. They do not breathe what you and I have breathed. They tolerate neither disparagement nor disdain. The only time they do bear is when they bear their grudge against you.

And she, among them, breathes on an air of dignity in order to live her precious life each day. The war that could never end. The law that could never mend. Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must, Thucydides stated. The problem is that the people who breathe this air of dignity and consume this pride inherited from their ancestors tend to think that they are of superior traits and that they are the strong, the one to be obeyed.

No. That is not how it should go. These people do not realize that they are not the one consuming, but being consumed by their own pride and dignity. They may have chosen to starve to death, proudly, but meaningless to the world.

Before the world is full of meaningless people, and before I die, I shall pay the true happiness forward among mankind. That is the least anyone could, and everyone should, do.


สิ่งที่เค้าห้ามเผยแพร่ แต่อยากเผย...

When I look at the arrangement of the members, Jaebum's role is being at the center. It’s Jaebum’s responsibility to resolves any quarrels and fallouts. His responsibility is also to listen to people’s worries. The members go to Jaebum and tell him all their worries, Jaebum had a quite a difficult time….

However, he does this role well, and that is why I think he fits the leader role very well. When Jaebum speaks in Korean, it’s a bit inarticulate, but when he speaks in English, he’s not like that. When he does say even one thing, he thinks a lot before saying it, and I also tend to speak in English when talking about serious stuff, especially cuz I look at the other person’s reaction very carefully. When Taecyeon and Nich Khun have something to discuss, they go to Jaebum to receive advice.

Jaebum’s personality is a bit flexible. He has a lot of aeygo too [ways of acting cute].. kekekekAlso, how should I put this…. Should I say that he knows the ways to communicate? He brings life to a conversation very well. He also knows how to make conversations about the smallest things enjoyable. He also remembers passing things such as, “My stomach hurts” and later asks if that pain is better now. He is very good at remembering even the smallest things. He does the same for his members.And because of that, it is true his dongsengs [ie: other 2PM members] talk to him very freely. KekekeTruthfully, they just tease Jaebum. Just like.. a toy.

It is quite common for them to pinch his face, tease him, climb all over him, knock him down and talk to him in an informal/disrespectful way, “Hey you, Park Jaebum!” kekeke. Especially Chansung and Taecyeon… they live forgetting that he is their hyung. Even if Jaebum stays still but then tackles them or shows any reaction, they start hitting him more because they get excited… while he says, “Guys…. hyung.. I’m your hyung.”Since Jaebum doesn’t think much of this, I don’t say much about it to him either, but when the time comes for them to practice, they follow Jaebum very well. Because Jaebum asks each member one by one their opinion, they communicate very well.

Also, he tries really hard to control himself. But because he has that determination to control himself, I think it’s very fortunate. If it was reluctantly, then it was because he did something. However, on top of the numerous roles Jaebum has, he has to take care of himself as well, which truthfully gets me worried…

When JYP manages the members, it occurs in a pyramid fashion. He informs everything to the leader, and then the leader informs the others. JYP does not call all the members to ask them about their opinions or anything like that.That is why when the Myspace incident arose, regardless of the reason, they first put all the responsibilities on the leader, but Jaebum did not really talk about this with the other members.

I told him once, “You are going to get sick like this” and he said, “Nuna, it’s killing me..” kekeke He also wants to do many things because he has a lot of curiosity and desires. If Jaebum was to do everything one by one, it would probably put a strain on the fans… because he would be able to go on a program with ladies without hesitation. Kekeke

The type of music that Jaebum wants to do is a bit different from JYP’s style. How should I say it… I can’t think of an appropriate way to describe it;;Jaebum is not used to the Korean type of music. He is really used to the American pop style, and since he composed his lyrics that way up to now, he is still used to the American pop style.

To the point where he sometimes seriously worried about his career with 2PM…

If he had debuted as a solo, he might’ve had a style different from 2PM. If you HAD to give him a style, he would prefer YG style. These days he likes 2NE1….He likes CL’s rap very much… am I even allowed to say such things kekekeke Well, it’s not like they’re dating. “Wow wow wow! So good!” He shouts like this.

“Is her rap쫄깃 (jjol-ggeet)?” [no direct translation available… best I can come up with is: chewy]. I asked him this and he didn’t understand me and asked, “쫑긋 (jjong-geut)?”[to move ones ears] as he moved his ears. Please… study some Korean….

Jaebum naturally thinks that he needs to protect girls. ..On the flip side to having lots of aegyo (cute actions), he had a manly side of him. Hehehe. I can’t help but think that this makes him appealing amongst girls. The regular Jaebum is an okay guy…--> oh because he has a completely different charm he is cute --> wait, this guy has this manly side to him too, this is a new feeling --> I have begun seeing you as a man.

In this type of order… when I hear girls talk about this, they all agree this is true kekekekeAh. He gets asked out by a ton of female celebrities. I’m not implying that there is anything going on…The broadcasting staff really like Jaebum. Even a lot of guys ask for Jaebum’s number and they go up to him first. It seems that men are more forward than the women. And he also receives a lot love.

If there was one thing that I am a little disappointed about, it’s the fact that Jaebum didn’t try very hard to accept the Korean culture… I believe that this was something that JYPE neglected to deal with too..Aren’t Koreans like that. First of all, being generous to people who lived with the American culture. Jaebum should have been strictly taught the correct ways of acting in Korea, but it did not play out like this very well. Not only was it the company’s frame of mind that since he was from the States, to be understanding and forgive his ways, but Jaebum’s thoughts were, “Why do I need to be the one to match the Korean culture?” He strongly believed in doing things “his way.” Along with that, since Jaebum’s mom doesn’t speak Korean, to him, only his ethnicity was Korean, and it’s true that he didn’t view himself as a Korean person that much.Right now, unlike before, he is proactive about understanding things, but even now, there are a lot of Korean customs that he finds strange. kekeke While watching Jaebum’s actions, there are still times when I tell him that he cannot do such things in Korea, and he replies, “Oh really?” and I ask him, “Now do you know?” Ah. I also heard that fans are very worried that Jaebum likes things such as hamburgers. I personally don’t like such things either, but Jaebum is so used to such foods that it can’t be helped; if you kept giving him only Korean food, he’d rather starve because that’s just his nature. Also, many people tell him to gain weight… Jaebum looks like he has a lot of muscles, but in reality, he’s thin. He’s not bulky. In comparison to the other members, he is short and his build naturally is a bit small. If Jaebum was to gain weight, his muscles would all disappear. kekeke He made those muscles because he wants the manly image, so please just watch over them.